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Infrastructure Development

The City of Tulsa Infrastructure Development Division responsibilities:

  • Facilitate private development by permitting privately developed public infrastructure that includes stormwater facilities (pipes, channels, detention ponds), 8” and greater sanitary sewer mains, water main extensions, fire hydrants, easements, streets, and sidewalks.
  • Reviews site development for residential and commercial building permits, watershed permits, and signs permits.
  • Issues Water Service and Sewer tap connection permits.
  • Promotes and regulates Floodplain and Storm Water Management

The City of Tulsa's Infrastructure Development Process is designed to facilitate privately-funded projects that become part of the public infrastructure. IDP projects include those with water and sanitary mains, streets and stormwater facilities (pipes, channels, detention ponds.) Many large projects begin with the Infrastructure Development Process. Our goal is to make this complex process as streamlined and transparent as possible so that you will find the City of Tulsa a great place for your development and will share our enthusiasm for "A New Kind of Energy!"

IDP Guidance Material

Pre-Development Meeting

  • Purpose - Preliminary review of proposed public infrastructure developments and improvements.
  • Participants - Developers, contractors, IDP staff and others as required.
  • Cost - $350 fee that is credited toward the plan review fee upon submittal of the first set of plans.
  • Scheduling - Submit a completed IDP Pre-Development Application to the IDP Coordinator at 175 E. 2nd Street, 4th Floor to request a meeting. [email protected] or 918-596-2514

Current Approved Engineers and Contractors

Forms for Major Infrastructure Development Process:




For questions about the IDP process, please contact us:

Infrastructure Manager: Michael Ling PE, CFM, Floodplain Administrator
(918) 596-7285 or email [email protected]

Lead Engineer: Sanford Silman, PE, CFM
(918) 596-9502 or [email protected]

IDP Coordinator: Jeannie Barton
(918) 596-2514 or [email protected]

The City of Tulsa Development Services Division W/S/D is responsible for review of excavating, grading, erosion control, paving, sidewalks, parking lots, driveways, drainage, utility easements for residential and commercial building permits, floodplain and storm water management, and Watershed Development Permits. We review all construction and development located within the City of Tulsa Regulatory and FEMA floodplains. Process elevation certificates for compliance to FEMA and Regulatory standards. The COT is a participant in the Community Rating System (CRS) and as a result all residents with flood insurance through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) receive 45% reduction in flood insurance premiums.

Watershed Development Permits

The City of Tulsa Development Services Division W/S/D is responsible for review and issuance of Watershed Development Permits. A Watershed Development Permit shall be obtained prior to the commencement of any development, redevelopment, building, earth change, excavating, grading, regrading, paving, landfilling, berming or diking of any property within the City. Permits may be applied for online at the Self Service Portal.

Erosion Control

  • Construction site operators for construction that will disturb soil of any area are required to implement and maintain site-specific storm water Best Management Practices (BMPs) to address erosion and sediment control for the duration of the project. All Building Permits and Watershed Development Permits that disturb bare earth require the submittal of an erosion and sediment control plan at time of application for review.
  • Construction disturbing 1.0 acre or greater, including disturbances less than 1.0 acres but within a planned development totaling greater than 1.0 acre, requires coverage under the OKR10 for Construction and must also have a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3). For complete information on the OKR10, please refer to the ODEQ State Permit OKR10. A copy of the SWP3 is required to be submitted with Building Permit and Watershed Development Permits at time of application for review.

Floodplain Development

  • The City of Tulsa has developed Regulatory Floodplain Maps that are of a higher standard than the FEMA FIRMs.
  • All proposed development on lots or parcels within or adjacent to the regulatory floodplains shall require review by the Floodplain Administrator for compliance with building codes and watershed development regulations.
  • To determine if your property is located within a regulated floodplain, you may utilize our online City of Tulsa Floodplain maps.
  • You may request an official Floodplain Determination. An official Floodplain Determination will identify if the property is located in or out of the floodplain limits and will identify the base flood and regulatory water surface flood elevation.
  • Once you have received your Floodplain Determination, you may contact a licensed surveyor or civil engineer to determine the floodplain boundaries and flood depth on your property.

To discuss floodplain regulations and drainage, please contact us:

Infrastructure Manager: Michael Ling PE, CFM, Floodplain Administrator
(918) 596-7285 or email [email protected]

Infrastructure Permit Supervisor: Dustin Wright, CFM
(918) 596-7833 or email [email protected]

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The City of Tulsa Development Services Division W/S/D is responsible for review of Water Service Meter Permits, Fire Flow Meters, Fire Hydrants, Fire Line Detector Checks, Sanitary Sewer Service Tap Permit, Temporary Sewer Plug Permits.

Water Service Connection Permit

The City of Tulsa Development Services Division W/S/D is responsible for review and issuance of Water Service Meter Permits for installation of Meters 2” and Smaller, Meters 3” and Greater, Irrigation meters, Fire Flow Meters, Fire Hydrants, and Fire Line Single and Double Detector Checks. All Water Service Permits Applications require a current licensed Water Meter IDP Utility Contractor to apply for permits. Permits may be applied for online at the Self-Service Portal. All fee’s must be paid before processing of your permit request.

Permit Types for Water Service Connections

  • 2” and Smaller Contractor is required to have a current Contractor’s Annual Contract and licensed as a Water Utility Contractor with a valid Class D Water License. At time of application determine if Residential or Commercial water usage. Identify the Legal Description of Property. At time of application Billing Contact is required.  Please note if Owner or Builder to set up Billing Account information.
  • 3” and Greater Contractor is required to have a current Contractor’s Annual Contract and licensed as a Water Utility Contractor with a valid Class D Water License. At time of application determine if Residential or Commercial water usage. Identify the Legal Description of Property. At time of application Billing Contact is required.  Please note if Owner or Builder to set up Billing Account information. Water meters 3” and greater require Engineered sealed Plans to be submitted for review with City Standards and Specifications.
  • Please note meter size change requests go thru same process as a new service connection and require a return ticket for existing meter to be returned to the City of Tulsa.
  • If your meter service meter and setter has been removed and account terminated, installation of a water meter service shall be processed as a new service connection.

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Sanitary Sewer Service Connection Permit

The City of Tulsa Development Services Division W/S/D is responsible for review and issuance of Sanitary Sewer Permits for installation of connection taps to sanitary sewer mains, off-septic, plug septic, private lift stations, temporary sewer plugs and reconnect. Applications require a current licensed Plumbing Contractor licensed with the City of Tulsa to apply for permits. Permits may be applied for online at the Self Service Portal. All fee’s must be paid before processing of your permit request.

Additional Information

  • Temporary Plug - A Security Deposit of $10,000.00 ten thousand dollars is required prior to issuance of a Temporary Plug Permit. This fee will be reimbursed if a permanent Reconnect Permit is issued, and the work passes inspection within (90) days. If not, the deposit will be forfeited and the City will permanently plug the line tap. Temporary Sanitary Sewer Plug Agreement, Copy of Deed in Owners Name, and security deposit required to process application.
  • Note, Backwater Valve is an additional cost added to sewer permit when selected during permit application.
  • Street cuts for utility connections located within public right of way and/or public alleys require separate Right of Way Permit.
  • Septic Systems are not permitted if a public sewer system is available for connection. All septic systems require to be approved by DEQ.

For further assistance about utility connections please contact us:

Plans Examiner: Gerald Buckley, CFM (918) 596-9455 or [email protected]

Plans Examiner: James Henley (918) 596-7344 or [email protected]

Plans Examiner: Kylen Brewer, CFM (918) 596-2570 or [email protected]

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