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Register as a Vendor

To do business with the City of Tulsa, you must first register as a vendor. Please select your business type below and complete and submit the required forms.

Vendor FAQs

Services, Materials and Supplies

  1. Determine the commodity code(s) your business provides from the Commodity Code List
  2. Register as a Vendor by completing the vendor registration form. If you have any questions, please email Cherlyn Quin at
  3. If you would like payment through an EFT credit transaction, please fill out the EFT form and include it in your vendor registration submission.

Architectural and Engineering Services

  1. Register as a Vendor by completing the vendor registration form. If you have any questions, please email LaNay Cosby at [email protected]
  2. Complete the Architect, Engineer, and Related Services Questionnaire (Form 9280) and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page for submitting the questionnaire. 


  1. Register as a Vendor by completing the vendor registration form. If you have any questions, please email LaNay Cosby at [email protected]
  2. Complete the Prequalification Application and Checklist and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page for submitting the questionnaire.

If you are a small business, consider joining the Small Business Enterprise Program. Learn more...