Report Illicit Discharges
To help find and locate illicit discharges contact the Customer Care Center at 311. Some common signs of pollution in streams are discoloration of water, foul/rotten sewage smells, soap suds/bubbles on top of water, dead/distressed fish or wildlife and water flowing strongly after long periods without rain. The Stormwater Quality division has a Compliance and Enforcement group which investigates all complaints regarding illicit discharges. They keep close watch over Tulsa's waterways to prevent pollution to our streams.
Stormwater Education Coordinator
To schedule an education event for your church group, homeowner's association, classroom, organization etc. contact our stormwater education coordinator. Presentations are free of charge and can also be customized to fit your group's educational needs, including classroom settings. Programs include a variety of hands-on activities and topics that highlight the importance of healthy local streams.
Stormwater Quality Education Coordination
Streets and Stormwater - Stormwater Quality
(918) 591-4325
[email protected]