City Issues Extreme Heat Safety Information
This article was archived on 7/1/2024
With the ongoing heat, Tulsans are urged to take proactive measures to stay safe by drinking plenty of water, avoiding going outdoors during the hottest part of the day, and by dressing appropriately in loose, lightweight clothing.
If you or someone you meet does not need immediate medical attention but needs time to cool down, direct them to the following locations that are open and available:
John 3:16 Mission | 506 N. Cheyenne, Open 24/7
Salvation Army | 102 N. Denver Ave., Open 24/7
Tulsa Day Center | 415 West Archer St., Open 24/7
Tulsa County Social Services | 2401 Charles Page Blvd., 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
If you see someone in need of immediate heat-related medical attention, call 9-1-1. Symptoms of heat stroke and heat-related illness can be found
Learn How to Stay Hydrated
Drink enough water to prevent heat illness and learn to pre-hydrate before you get too hot.
Avoid sugary, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks
If you are sweating a lot, combine water with snacks or a sports drink to replace the salt and minerals you lose in sweat
Talk to your doctor about how to prepare if you have a medical condition or are taking medicines
Make a Plan to Stay Cool
If your kids want to be outside, limit playtime to the early morning or evening hours. In the afternoon hours, some playground equipment can reach temperatures of nearly 190 degrees, causing severe burns and injury. Make sure your kids have access to cool water and a place to cool down – and don’t forget the sunscreen, just 15 minutes unprotected in 100+ degree temperatures can cause a severe sunburn.
Do not rely only on electric fans during extreme heat. When temperatures are in the high 90s, fans may not prevent heat-related illness. Taking a cool shower or bath or moving to an air-conditioned place is a much better way to cool off.
If you do not have air conditioning or if there is a power outage, find locations where you can stay cool (see above).
Ensure you have plenty of lightweight, loose clothing to wear. Refrain from wearing restrictive clothing like spandex that will limit your body’s ability to stay cool.
Create a support team of people you may assist and who can assist you. Check in with them often to make sure that everyone is safe.
Pet Safety
Limit walks and outdoor playtime to the morning and evenings. If the ground is too hot to touch, it’s too hot for your pet’s paws. Temperatures in the 90s are all it takes to heat up pavement to temperatures above 130 degrees. If you are out when temperatures rise above 90 degrees, walk your dog on the grass.
Ensure your dog has access to cool water when they are outside and always supervise them when in your yard.
When traveling by car, keep your pets safe and secure in a well-ventilated crate or carrier; secure it so it won’t slide or shift during an abrupt stop. NEVER leave your pet in a hot car, even if for a short amount of time.
Owned cats should be kept indoors at all times. Cats always need fresh, cool water and ventilation.
If you see an animal outside without access to shade or water, call Tulsa Animal Welfare at (918) 596-8001.