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Mayor Nichols Reflects on First 100 Days in Office


Substantial work underway to move needle on core issues surrounding homelessness, housing, public safety, student outcomes, and more

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Today, Mayor Monroe Nichols reflected on his first 100 days in office, expressing his gratitude to the community and his commitment to creating a safer and stronger Tulsa.  
"These first 100 days helped lay the foundation for the hard work ahead as we focus on increasing our housing stock, ending homelessness by 2030, creating a better future for our children, creating more economic opportunities in all parts of our city, improving public safety with a focus on neighborhoods, and strengthening relations with our tribal nations," Mayor Nichols said. "We've set big goals for ourselves, but I'm confident we can accomplish anything with the community behind us. I'm excited to continue our work for the city I love and look forward to the road ahead."
In his first 100 days, Mayor Nichols issued five (5) executive orders, all with his priorities in mind. Each executive order established a clear direction of how the City and the Nichols Administration is deploying immediate next steps to meet Tulsa’s needs head-on.
In addition to these executive orders, Mayor Nichols has worked closely with members of the Tulsa City Council over the last 100 days to identify the best path forward when it comes to aligning priorities with those identified during the Mayor/Council retreat.  
While substantial work is underway, much more is coming in the months ahead. Mayor Nichols will be holding a series of Community Conversations in each region of Tulsa during the months of April and May. At each of the community events, Mayor Nichols and other City leaders will share recent updates and answer any community questions. More information regarding dates and locations will be released in the coming weeks.
A brief summary of the last 100 days, in relation to Mayor Nichols’ priorities, is as follows:
Increase affordable housing stock by 6,000 units by 2028; Decrease blighted properties by 60% by 2028.
Reach functional zero homelessness by 2030, which means homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring by that time.
Children, Youth, and Families
Improve student outcomes by working across systems to deliver for Tulsa’s children.
Public Safety
Make Tulsa the safest big city in the country.
Economic Opportunity
Ensure equality of economic opportunity in all of Tulsa’s zip codes
Tribal Relations
Affirm Tribal Sovereignty & Improve Co-Governing with Tribal Partners.