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General Information

HUD Grants - A Reference Guide
HUD Community Planning & Development Website – HUD Exchange 
2 CFR Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements
Part 5 Income Determination Guide 
Playing By the Rules Handbook
City of Tulsa Rehabilitation Standards and Specifications 2018
Cost Estimate Rehab Guidelines

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

CDBG Regulations Title 24 Part 570 
CDBG Program Information on HUD Exchange
2023 Income Limits
2024 Income Limits
HO Rehab Program Guidelines

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program

HOME Regulations Title 24 Part 92
2023 HOME Per Unit Subsidy Limit
2024 Home Per Unit Subsidy Limit
2023 HOME Homeownership Limits
2024 HOME Ownership Limits 
2023 HOME Rent Limits
2024 HOME Rent Limits
2023 HOME Income Limits
2024 HOME Income Limits

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)

HOPWA Regulations Title 24 Part 574
HOPWA Program Information on HUD Exchange
HOPWA Program Administration Toolkit
HOPWA Confidentiality User Guide
HOPWA CAPER Training Modules